www.jonasdive.com belongs to Jonas & Dive Watch, SL business group with CIF B65454886.
If in doubt, and that is not settled in this section, you might have before making a purchase with us, please contact us by email in the contact section or by telephone contact with either of these two lines, 936390165 or 936392594.
JONASDIVE.com is the safest way to shop online.
- We work with servers SSL (https) data encryption type, so you exchange data through the network will travel encrypted by it.
- We use the payment systems of the best financial institutions (Banco de Sabadell and La Caixa).
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As soon as you complete your order will receive an email with all the information there to guarantee that your purchase was successful.
In turn, when our team manages your purchase will inform the state that is the order and you can track your Account traceability by reviewing the status of the different orders.